Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)—such as neglect, physical or emotional maltreatment, abuse, abandonment, or witnessing domestic violence—are…
We tend to remember very little about what happens to us in the early years of life. And yet, it is during those years that the foundations of…
During the summer of 2012, on a visit to the Guna Yala indigenous region in northeastern Panama, we met Iranelda, a 16-year-old girl in labor whose…
Another year is ending, and it’s time to reflect. For us at the Primeros Pasos Editorial Committee, this means reviewing which articles were the most…
The Convention on the Rights of the Child, a global commitment to protect and promote children’s healthy development and fulfillment of their…
In the early hours of April 16, 2016, a devastating earthquake shook Ecuador’s coast, leaving destruction and loss in its wake. One of the hardest-…
Like almost three million Venezuelans, Yoxana Serpa arrived in Colombia in search of a better future. Leaving her homeland, her job and her family,…
“My son came here unable to speak. He wouldn’t talk, he wouldn’t share. He went through a total change. He is an open, cheerful, fun child today,”…
The Latin American and Caribbean region faces a severe malnutrition problem, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity: according to the…
In order to care for the most vulnerable people in times of crisis, social protection systems need to be adaptive and resilient –– that is, they need…
Motherhood, especially in the beginning, can be overwhelming. Particularly today, when information abounds and it’s just a matter of opening your…
We know that investing in childcare is key to the future. But, when it comes to early childhood services, it is not only a matter of investing in…