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Map of Early Childhood Development innovations in LAC​

This section provides a description of innovative projects implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

How do we define innovation?It refers to projects that tackle an ECD problem or local need using novel or improved operational tools, services or processes. It can also refer to projects that adapt existing interventions to new contexts or new populations. Finally, it can also mean projects focused on analyzing interventions at scale as well as evaluations of effects on development and on service quality.

How do we select innovations? Projects are evaluated on the basis of three components: The first component refers to the project’s relevance to the region’s ECD challenges; the second component, to innovative approaches to tackle the ECD challenge (e.g., use of new methods, including but not limited to technological advances); the third component looks into the potential to scale and evaluate the project (implementation practices, monitoring, and evaluation) in accordance with its degree of progress. For a project to be considered innovative, it should include at least one relevant component, one innovation component, and one scalability and evaluation component (Selection protocol).

Disclaimer: The Early Childhood Development Hub’s innovation map is a tool whose sole purpose is to provide information and promote access to innovative Early childhood development programs and experiences for anyone interested in implementing this type of programs in the region. It does not constitute an endorsement, promotion, or recommendation for the implementation of those programs. The innovations map will remain under constant update.

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